
Interested in working with us at the Software and Systems Laboratory? We welcome applications from all individuals, whether you're part of Loyola University or from outside the university. If you’re passionate about Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Cyber Security, we’d love to hear from you!

Please fill out our interest form to get started and learn more about opportunities in the lab.


Hello World

Thank you for checking out the Software and Systems Laboratory (SSL) website. We are a (partially virtual) research laboratory based out of the Computer Science Department at Loyola University Chicago.

Our members form an interdisciplinary group with faculty and student interests in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Cyber Security, and Engineering.

The laboratory’s focus is on researching computer systems and applied Software Engineering to solve STEAM-related problems.


We foster innovation by encouraging experimentation and collaboration with a strong emphasis on openness. To uphold this commitment, we enforce open-source software development, open access, and dissemination of research software by creating reproducible results within all of our projects.

SSL embraces the notion that diversity drives creativity and innovation. We follow the principles of the IEEE Special Technical Community on Broadening Participation allowing anyone regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, physical, mental, and cognitive ability, or LGBTQA+ status to join our lab.


Scroll through our recent publications below.


Meet our team.

Faculty Leadership

George K Thiruvathukal

George K. Thiruvathukal


Neil Klingensmith

Neil Klingensmith


Faculty Advisors

Daniel Moreira

Daniel Moreira

Faculty Advisor

David B Wetzel

David B. Wetzel

Faculty Advisor

Konstantin Läufer

Konstantin Läufer

Faculty Advisor

Mohammed Abuhamad

Mohammed Abuhamad

Faculty Advisor

Nicholas J Hayward

Nicholas J. Hayward

Faculty Advisor

Ph.D Students

Nicholas Synovic

Nicholas Synovic

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Matt Hyatt

Matt Hyatt

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Erik C Pautsch

Erik C. Pautsch

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Manny Sandoval

Manny Sandoval

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Nick John Eliopoulos

Nick John Eliopoulos

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Purvish Jajal

Purvish Jajal

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Wenxin Jiang

Wenxin Jiang

Ph.D Student at Loyola University Chicago

Masters Students

Isaac Ahlgren

Isaac Ahlgren

Systems Engineer

Juan Martinez

Juan Martinez

Software Engineer

Rachel Gordon

Rachel Gordon

Software Engineer

Undergraduate Students

Karolina Ryzka

Karolina Ryzka

Software Engineer

Maddie Juarez

Maddie Juarez

Software Engineer

Luke Niemeyer

Luke Niemeyer

Software Engineer

Isaiah Bouromphongsa

Isaiah Bouromphongsa

Software Engineer

Amol Sayala

Amol Sayala

Software Engineer

Areej Imran

Areej Imran

Software Engineer

Rohan Sethi

Rohan Sethi

Software Engineer

Thomas Papka

Thomas Papka

Software Engineer

Luke Baumel

Luke Baumel

Software Engineer


Dario Dematties

Dario Dematties

Faculty of Engineering at Northwestern Argonne Insitute of Science and Engineering

Eric Chan Tin

Eric Chan-Tin

Associate Professor of Computer Science at Loyola University Chicago

Florence M Chee

Florence M. Chee

Associate Professor and Director of Center for Digital Ethics and Policy; Director of SIMLab at Loyola University of Chicago

Gregory J Mattews

Gregory J. Matthews

Associate Professor, Director for Data Science at Loyola University Chicago

James Davis

James Davis

Associate Professor of Computer Science at Loyola University Chicago

Jeffrey Carver

Jeffrey Carver

Professor of Computer Science at the University of Alabama

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan


John Roeske

John Roeske

Professor of Applied Health Sciences at Loyola Universiy Chicago

Juliet Brophy

Juliet Brophy

Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Louisiana State University

Michael E. Papka

Michael E. Papka

Deputy Associate Laboratory Director/Director of ALCF at Argonne National Laboratory

Nicholas Baker

Nicholas Baker

Assistant Professor Psychology at Loyola University Chicago

Robert G. Morrison

Robert G. Morrison

Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Directory of Neuroscience at Loyola University Chicago

Silvio Rizzi

Silvio Rizzi

Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory

Venkatram Vishwanath

Venkatram Vishwanath

Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory

Vipin Chaudhary

Vipin Chaudhary

Department Chair of Computer and Data Sciences Department at Case Western Reserve University

Xiao-Yong Jin

Xiao-Yong Jin

Assistant Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory

Yung-Hsiang Lu

Yung-Hsiang Lu

Professor of Computer Engineering at the High-Energy Low-Power Systems Laboratory, Purdue University


Abhinav Goel

Abhinav Goel

Ph.D Student at NVIDIA

Alexander Rose

Alexander Rose

Software Engineer

Alexandra Crane

Alexandra Crane

Software Developer

Allan Miller

Allan Miller

Software Engineer

Andrew Lake

Andrew Lake

Software Developer

Austin Pinderski

Austin Pinderski

Software Engineer

Brianna Chou

Brianna Chou

Systems Engineer

Caleb Tung

Caleb Tung

Ph.D Student at Purdue University

Daniel Palacios

Daniel Palacios

Software Developer

Emmanuel Amobi

Emmanual Amobi

Software Developer

Ethan Stoneman

Ethan Stoneman

Software Engineer

Igor Ponomarenko

Igor Ponomarenko

Software Developer

Iryna Motyashok

Iryna Motyashok

Software Developer

Jack Narowski

Jack Narowski

Software Developer

Jack West

Jack West

Software Engineer

Jake Palmer

Jake Palmer

Software Engineer

Jakob Veslsky

Jakob Veslsky

Systems Engineer

Jean Luc Putter

Jean Luc Putter

Software Developer

Jonathan Warkentin

Jonathan Warkentin

Software Developer

Linette Maliakal

Linette Maliakal

Software Developer

Martin Zugschwert

Martin Zugschwert

Software Developer

Mike Robinson

Mike Robinson

Software Developer

Morgan Richardson

Morgan Richardson

Software Developer

Oscar Yanek

Oscar Yanek

Software Engineer

Riley Clarkson

Riley Clarkson

Software Developer

Sean Higgins

Sean Higgins

Software Developer



Software Engineer

Sohini Thota

Sohini Thota

Software Engineer

Sophie Von Hatten

Sophie Von Hatten

Software Developer

Stephanie Rodriguez

Stephanie Rodriguez

Software Developer

Trey Roche

Trey Roche

Software Developer

Yvette Diaz

Yvette Diaz

Software Engineer

Zachary Gallagher

Zachary Gallagher

Software Developer